All Fall Short
Speaker: Wallace Mitchell- Details
- Series: Romans: Systematic Theology
- Date:
- Scripture: Romans 3:1-3:31
- Additional file: All_Fall_Short.pdf
Romans Chapter 3 is one of the most important Chapters in the Bible! It lays out the work of God in the salvation of man. One must grasp the foundations here to grow in their faith and understand the Word of God as a whole. To understand this magnificent chapter, there are some technical terms we have to understand: Law – God’s Perfection Righteousness – As right as God Justified – As if you never sinned Redemption – Bought back Propitiation, Expiation, Sacrifice of Atonement – These are different translations for one Greek word – a) Appease and pay a debt. b) Turn away God’s wrath and pay our debt for sin. c) Sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to pay our sin. Jesus as a substitute for us on the cross paid the penalty due us.